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Client Report:

About the Study

Survey Methodology:
An online survey was used to collect the information in this report. Following a slow release on to determine the efficacy of the survey questions, respondents were invited to complete the survey in its entirety. The survey was sent to 2500 customers in the USA. A total of 500 responded to the survey, for a response rate of 20%. A sample size of 500 provides a statistical accuracy of + 4%. This means for a given statistic, there is a 95% chance that a survey results does not vary by more than 4% from the population statistic. Percentages may not add to 100 percent due to rounding or the acceptance of multiple responses.

Survey Questions:
1. Store Location
2. Day of Visit
3. Please rate the cleanliness of the store
4. How easy or difficult was it to navigate through the store?
5. How visually appealing was the set-up of the store?
6. How attentive was the salesperson to your needs?
7. How understanding was the salesperson to your needs?
8. How respectful was the salesperson?
9. How knowledgeable was the salesperson about the product(s)/service(s) in the store?
10. Was the salesperson dressed professionally?
11. Did the salesperson offer you coupons, discounts, or other promotions?
12. Overall, were all your needs addressed to your satisfaction?

Survey Process:
The survey was administered by XYZ collection company during the month of August 2009. The surveyors were all PRC Certified.

Sampling and Response Rate:
The online panel was carefully selected with inputs from the client. Services of ABC Panel company was used to find the right mix. Participants in the survey were offered a Starbucks gift card of $ 10. Participants were a mix of males and females in each of the specified age group.

Design and Analysis Method:
The survey was biased towards individuals who have access to email and computers.

Privacy Policy:
The data provided by participants has not been shared with anyone.

The following assumptions have been used in the survey and the results.
1. Only those respondents were selected who have visited at least one store location once in the past 12 months
2. Store location chosen for survey are open at least three years in the respective neighborhoods.
3. Weekend shopping hours are considered Friday 6pm to Sunday 12am.
4. Flyers were distributed along with shopping receipts that provided the URL for the survey and gift offer.

Data Sources and References:
1. Company sources have been included in the analyses.
2. Interviews with company executives
Results from Q1 Study were studied and used to modify the survey.

Thanks to Store management for their co-operation in conducting the survey.


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