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Modern Trade Stores Up in the Asia Pacific According to Nielsen

The number of modern trade stores has increased 4.5 times in the past decade according to The Nielsen Company. Convenient stores, drugstores, hypermarkets, supermarkets and warehouse clubs are considered modern trade stores. The growth of modern trade stores indicates the increased consumer need for convenience, wider selections and low prices. The study suggests that these changes in consumer behavior are driven by the strong economic growth in the region. There is an implication that consumer time becomes more scarce in thriving economies, driving the need for one-stop-shopping experiences.

Foreign Aid to Haiti Makes the Poor Poorer

After the earthquake in Haiti, foreign aid poured into the country. One of most needed items was food – in particular rice – which flowed into the country in huge quantities. The rice imports into Haiti made it possible for people to eat without having to buy rice. In principle that makes sense, the Haitian people were left with virtually nothing and had almost no ability to pay for food. The vast quantities of rice pouring into the country have made it impossible for Haitian rice farmers to sell their goods. And so rice farmers in areas that were not directly affected by the earthquake are left with no ability to earn a living.

This has exacerbated an ongoing dilemma within the country. The level of rice exports from the US to Haiti has risen tremendously over the years and as a result, has driven the price of rice down in Haiti. The Haitian rice farmers can no longer compete fairly with the rice prices, and are left with very few options to support themselves and their families.

7 of 10 Largest Companies in the World are Oil and Gas

Based on 2009 revenue numbers, seven of the ten largest companies in the world are in the oil & gas business.

The biggest oil & gas company is Royal Dutch Shell, which generated $278.2 billion dollars in revenue last year.